有关《馬來西亞重型建築機械業主公會創立文獻鑒定》报告(4份),与马来西亚交通部部长拿督斯里魏家祥会面为鉴定人签名和本会主席梁富耀先生接纳见证签名。“Meeting with Minister of Transport Datuk Seri Dr. Wee Ka Siong will sign the PAJPBM Founding History Profile, and will witness and acceptance by President Mr Leong Foo Yew..
Date日期: 08.08.2022
Venue地点: The Ministry of Transport, No. 26, Tun Hussein Road, Precinct 4, Federal Government Administrative Centre, 62100 Putrajaya- Level 10.
Attendee出席者:Leong Foo Yew, Poh Kok Hwa, Eugene Ong, Chong Cheng Wah, Verdon Tan, Lau Lay Seng